The sorry spectacle of Senate Democrats sliming Brett Kavanaugh has galvanized Republican voters and may come back to bite the Left in a huge way. If Democrats do not retake Congress on November 6th as they have so confidently predicted, the Trump economic rocket can continue to soar unimpeded. Polls since the Kavanaugh debacle show that the Democrats should be worried.

Left’s hysteria blows back

For months now there has been talk of a “blue wave” of Democrats retaking at the very least the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate in the mid-term elections. Were that to happen, the Democrats would quite possibly move to impeach President Trump, despite Robert Mueller’s paucity of evidence or charges of alleged “Russian collusion”. The desperate left will grasp at anything to take the President down. Their hope has been heavily invested in voters handing a majority back to them in November.

Now, however, the depraved attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the televised hearings have shown the voting public how low the Democratic party will go, at least for now. If polls are accurate, Democrat tactics may become one of the most successful Republican “get out the vote” campaigns ever.

An NPR-Marist poll in July that showed Democratic voters were more energized than Republicans by a 10 point edge has now pulled even. The result of their tactics against Kavanaugh may be that Democrats have blown a ten point lead in “enthusiastic” voters. Investor’s Business Daily reports that the National Republican Congressional Committee has seen a 175 percent surge in small donations. Several other polling developments show Democrat leads evaporating virtually overnight around the country in specific Congressional races.

Years of Obama and Clinton sneering at “bitter clingers” and “deplorables” fueled Americans to propel populist Trump to victory in 2016. The Democrat witch hunt against Kavanaugh may bring them out again in the mid-term. Diane Feinstein and her fellow travelers have reminded America why Trump won and why Republican retention of Congress is essential to keep Trump policies in place.

Economic policies may continue

Those policies…rolling back stifling Obama era policies…have led to the lowest unemployment since 1969 and 4.2 percent growth in second quarter GDP. Even if Democrats retake the House, and even if they vote for impeachment, a Senate still under Republican control will not likely remove him from office (the second step). Recall that President Clinton was impeached by the House, but it takes the Senate to vote to remove from office to complete the process, which didn’t occur with Clinton. He remained to finish his term. Under that scenario the President would remain in place to safe guard his policies. Even if he is removed, Mike Pence stands next in succession.

Gingrich and Carson take the big picture view

Nevertheless, the left in the U.S. has grown increasingly radicalized and even if they are kept from getting back the reins of power in November, the tactics on display against Judge Kavanaugh, plus the public hounding of Republican officials will only grow worse. Note the bullying of Senator Jeff Flake in a capitol elevator. And a Democratic Senate staffer stands accused of releasing the home addresses of Republican members of Congress so that leftist agitators can protest at their houses.

Recently two conservative stalwarts have verbalized their longer term view of what is at work in the American Left. Newt Gingrich released a Facebook video in which he believe the Kavanaugh hearings were a watershed even in American history in which the “totalitarian left” revealed that they will either “rule or ruin” the country. Ben Carson outlined the long arc of socialists to steadily advance in the acquisition of power in the U.S. Both are opinions are worth digesting.

Our outlook at Cornerstone Financial Services

Our long term outlook remains unchanged. We believe that the Trump economic policies are causing the economy to boom and will benefit America for years to come. However, over the next two years, Fed interest rate increases will, in our opinion, likely lead to a bear market in equities and a recession.

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